Luminus Devices, Inc.

Luminus Devices, Inc. - Luminus Devices, Inc. develops and markets solid-state lighting solutions (SSL) to help its customers migrate from conventional lamp technologies to long-life and energy-efficient LED illumination. Luminus offers a comprehensive range of LED solutions for indoor and outdoor illumination markets as well as high-output specialty lighting solutions for performance-driven markets including consumer displays, entertainment lighting, medical and industrial applications. Luminus is headquartered in Sunnyvale, CA, and has operations in Woburn, Massachusetts and Xiamen, China.
ABC අර්ධ සන්නායක ක කරගන යාමට නියෝජිතයා ද වේ Luminus Devices, Inc.. ඔබ විසින් සිදු කරන ලද කිසියම් හෝ නිෂ්පාදන අවශ්ය නම් කරුණාකර අප සමග සම්බන්ධ Luminus Devices, Inc..